Saturday, May 22, 2010

Rand Paul, Rachel Maddow, and the Philosophical Divide Between Statists and Libertarians

Rachel Maddow does not believe in freedom. It is one thing to say you believe in freedom to do what I think you are allowed to do, but is this freedom? This is like Nazi Germany telling Jews they were free to stop being Jews.

I recently had an argument with a twit on Facebook over civil rights for Americans accused of terrorism and a recent "death warrant" issued by Barack Obama for a US citizen. Granted, this US citizen is most likely terrorist scum. But does that mean he should forfeit his rights? This leftard turned fasctard said yes. I disagreed. We don't extend rights to people we happen to like because this makes them no rights at all. This is why they are called "inalienable."

Leftards like Rachel Maddow don't get it. Freedom isn't just for loony leftards like her that happen to agree with her. They are also for loony fasctards like Rush Limbaugh that thinks Maddow is a carpet munching dyke. Freedom is also for racists who decide to discriminate against blacks and Jews with their property. We may find this repugnant, but that is the price of freedom.

Rand Paul's appearance has sparked a fundamental philosophical discussion concerning the nature of freedom. But the proper attitude towards freedom is the principled one Voltaire took when he said, "I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Maddow and others of her ilk are unable to make this distinction. Her goal and aim was to tar and smear Rand Paul and other libertarians as racists. This is the rallying cry of the Left. They can't defend their economic positions because they are clueless on economics. They are hypocrites on the war. They are now silent on human rights for Muslims because their president is the one running things now. So, their response and only argument is to paint libertarians and Tea Party people as racists. Maddow was absolutely gleeful to take Rand Paul's principled stance and turn it into fodder for her show.

People like Maddow and others in this country are clueless about the nature of freedom. This is why freedom is dying in America. If we follow their philosophy, what end is there to all of it? Is there no point where we can say that the government has overstepped its bounds?

There is a civil war in this country between those who believe in limited government and those who believe in unlimited government. Rachel Maddow believes in unlimited government. She loves it so long as someone wields that power in agreement with her own thoughts and wishes. What she fails to realize is that thoughts and wishes change. Then, freedom and human rights matter.

Rachel Maddow is an unprincipled person. It would be interesting to see her viewpoint if I decided to frequent lesbian bars and get thrown out. Isn't this discrimination? Can't I sue under the Civil Rights Act? Isn't a lesbian bar a "public space?"

Maddow is simply wrong. Unfortunately, she and the rest of America are too shitbrained to make the distinction between defending someone's viewpoints and someone's human rights and freedom. We can disagree with the former but never at the expense of the latter. I disagree with Maddow's viewpoints, but I would also disagree with some official who decided to shut her down for uttering "hate speech."

As for Rand Paul, he needs to do like his dad and say what he thinks and let the chips fall where they may. Ron Paul had all his viewpoints misrepresented, but people now see his principled stance. Rand should do the same thing. Don't parse your words. If they paint you as what you are not, so be it. That is their shame not yours.

What I can say is that America is not ready for a libertarian revolution. Even Tea Partiers are insufficiently libertarian in their thinking. This doesn't mean the liberty message is wrong. It is right. But liberty depends on enlightenment. As long as people continue to be as stupid as Rachel Maddow, this country will always be struggling in the dark when the light switch is just inches away.


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