Saturday, May 22, 2010

Disconnecting From Facebook/Thoughts on Self-Promotion

I used to have my blog feed going into my Facebook page, but I have decided to end that. I see others who use a combination of blogging, social media, Twitter, and the like to put their material out there, but it seems like a lot of duplication to me.

This move deals with the issue of promotion and specifically the issue of self-promotion. How far should you go in pushing your product and brand?

I think if you are on relying on a saturation strategy then this is unsustainable. This is why people ignore spam. It is better to open the door and let people smell what you're cooking than plaster a sign on your place that screams GOOD EATS. When you have something good, people share it. They tell their friends about it.

If my writing is any good, people will find it. If it isn't, they won't bother. I've seen many actors and directors complain that the studio didn't adequately promote their movie which is why it flopped. But this is stupid. Movies flop because they suck. When they are good, they live on forever as people discover it.

I want to make good stuff. I don't know what is good, but I know what I like. I will let others decide if it is good or not. Putting my own shit on Facebook goes against this spirit. When others put my shit on Facebook, then we have something.


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