Thursday, April 15, 2010

Snatch, swing, jerk, belted sq

Oa swing + snatch 16kg: 10/10

Snatch 20kg: 5/5, 60L/58R ( 15rpm, lost count right)

Oa swing+rest in hang 20kg: Left 2min/Right 2min

Now, this is interesting. Last time I did the above "swing thing" with 24kg. I want to reach 3min/3min; so, I switcheed to 20kg. But it still became 2min/2min. This indicates that it is pure endurance lacking. Will remake with 16kg. Bad endurance, but a possibillity to do something about it.

On to the legs.

Oa jerks 20kg: 5/5
Jerks 2x20: 5
Jerks 2x24kg: 5, 36 (7min + couple of no-counts)
Jerks 2x20: 5
Jerks 2x26kg: 5

Belted GS squats: 48kgx 5reps, 88kgx 25reps
Belted GS jump squats: 88kgx 25reps (this ballistic version was another deal).

When will we get nice tees like this?


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