Peter Steele, bassist and front man for Type O Negative, is dead. This sucks. Truly great band.
Well i loved my aunt - but she died
and my uncle lou - then he died
I'm searching for something which can't be found - but i'm hoping
i still dream of dad - though he died
Everything dies - everything dies
My ma's so sick - she might die
though my girl's quite fit - she will die
Still looking for someone who was around - barely coping
now i hate myself - wish i'd die
Everything dies - everything dies
everything dies - everything
No why - oh god i miss you
no why - oh god i miss you - i really miss you
no no no no
No why - oh god i miss you
no why - oh god i miss you - i really miss you
Everything dies - everything dies
everything dies - everything - no no no no
Everything dies - everything dies
everything dies - everything
The SEC is now going after Goldman Sachs for being slimebags. Unfortunately for the SEC, sliminess is not illegal. Did Goldman sell products to clients that they bet against? Certainly. But Goldman Sachs is not a fiduciary. As much as I despise these fuckers, I think the SEC should lay off. My problem with Goldman isn't what they do with client's money. It is what they do with my taxpayer dollars and whatever they get from the Federal Reserve. That shit is criminal. The SEC would be better off investigating the Fed. This will never happen.
It simply amazes me how arrogant this fucker can be. I cannot think of a single president in US history that openly mocked such a large segment of the population. This isn't mockery of another politician or an opposing political party. This is mockery of voting men and women. This is mockery of the American people. Stunning hubris. I will be delighted to see him swept from office in 2012.
Big Ben is a sleazy ass motherfucker. It is only a matter of time before he does something that will stick in criminal court. Should the Steelers keep him? Hell no. The guy is an embarrassment. He was walking around with his pecker out of his pants. He's a fucking drunk, and he clearly has no respect for women. Dump his ass.
The problem I have with the Tea Party is how utterly stupid some of these folks can be. These would be the ones who want the government to keep their hands off Medicare. Then, there are the ones who are lamenting cuts to NASA. Without a doubt, this is a diverse movement. That is about as charitable as I can be about it.
Tea Party people are not exactly libertarians. They are angry, but it seems that is about it. There is no core philosophy there. I'm not sure what to make of it except I see the GOP establishment co-opting this movement for purely political ends. Plus, I'm tired of their birther bullshit and Obama-Islam conspiracy theories.
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