Sarah Palin inspires a lot of love among her fans and a great deal of derision among her critics. Me? I have a certain fascination with her phenomenonal popularity and with the people who like her. But as for her, I don't consider myself part of her fan club though I would not hesitate to vote for her over Obama in a 2012 election. In fact, I would vote for just about anyone under the GOP banner if for no other reason than to obstruct the tomfuckery of a Democrat congress. There are things I like about Palin, and there are things I hate about Palin. Here they be:
1. Palin is blue collar.
Palin is not an elitist Ivy League east coaster. Her background is blue collar. She is from the common folk who do the bulk of their shopping at Walmart and own at least one item of camouflage clothing. The woman has killed a moose for Christ's sake.
2. Palin is small government and low taxes.
As a libertarian, I have to go along with Palin or any other conservative on this.
3. Palin rolls with the punches.
Plain gets slammed a lot, but she keeps plugging along. Palin has resilience and determination which are admirable traits.
1. Palin is pro-war.
I hate war. I think Iraq is a mistake. I think we should get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Palin is wedded to pro-war conservatives and the neo-cons on this issue.
2. Palin is a Bible beater.
I am an atheist, so I don't share Palin's sweet love for our Lord and Savior.
3. Palin is dumb as a box of rocks.
If you don't know something or haven't read it, just admit it. Don't fake it. The fact is that I am up on a great deal of stuff and could handle myself better in an interview with Katie Couric, and I am just a working man who reads. If you work in politics as Palin does, you need to know what the fuck is going on. As it stands, she is just a sock puppet for the GOP.
4. Palin quit her job.
I know governing a state with a population of less than a medium sized city is not as glamorous as being a full time pundit on Fox News, but when people elect you, it does come with the obligation that you finish your term.
5. Palin endorsed McCain.
Without a doubt, McCain picking Palin for the VP spot was her big break into showbiz. Naturally, she repays him by giving the motherfucker an endorsement in his senate run. This only shows to me that Palin is just another establishment hack giving and repaying political favors.
The conclusion I have drawn about Sarah Palin is that she is George Bush in a skirt. If given the Oval Office, she would be no different than W. This what I despise about her and most Republicans. They have no principles. They talk a great game to whip people into a frenzy, but they forget all that shit when they get into power. As governor of Alaska, Palin was just like any other hypocritical Republican. The reason she quit being governor is obvious. It would hurt her career and true ambition which is to be a political celebrity. You don't need an elected office to be one of those. Limbaugh, Coulter, O'Reilly, and others hold as much sway as any elected politician. I think she will remain a staple of Fox News and probably get her own radio talk show. I just wish she would learn how to read.
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