Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hornberger Responds to Daily Kos

Economic Ignorance and Liberal Hypocrisy at DailyKos.com

No one denies that economic conditions were bad for many people in 1880. No question about it. No dispute there.

But in focusing on those bad conditions, Sumner makes a common mistake. He is comparing those conditions to conditions in which we live today or at least to some sort of ideal economic utopia. In doing that, he misses the important point, which is this: What were conditions for ordinary people prior to the Industrial Revolution? Answer: As Hobbes put it, life was nasty, brutish, and short – that is, much, much worse than it was in 1880 America.

* * *

Hornberger makes a devastating counterargument to the argument from the Daily Kos. Progressives are idiots who cherry pick their data. But if socialism works, why is North Korea such a hellhole? Why is China prospering under capitalism where it suffered under Mao? Why are leftards such blithering idiots?


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