Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Reilly's exciting float loading adventure pt II

Today he had his first proper mouthing session. I popped a bit on to a halter (using good old bale twine) and left him in the paddock wearing the halter, bit in mouth. Came back a couple of hours later and took it off. He was unconcerned, he is such a good boy. Later this afternoon I went back out and put the halter and bit back on and brought him in for another float loading session.

Bless him, he is a star but he had to test me out first of course. Got him to the ramp and he went in, two feet in the float, back feet on the ramp but he wouldn't go any further. Unloaded him and did some ground work but he was uppity and kept wheel spinning on the grass. Then he farted and gave himself a fright - dork! Eventually I started to lose patience with him so I called Nick. Nick really is my shining Knight at times like this and came promptly to the rescue and within a few minutes had him working well. By the end of today's session he was loading all the way in with me standing on the ramp and the divider closed. I spent some time getting him to back into my hand and then step forward and tomorrow we will probably close the back bar and put the ramp up.

After his session I gave him a hose down and a shampoo and he was like a seasoned professional, even happily letting me hose down his face - He's such a dude. I'm a proud mummy.


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