Saturday, January 6, 2007

Random Thoughts on Various Subjects

1. It is with a touch of sadness that I note the resignation of Bill Cowher as head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers. I don't know what made him make this decision, but I think winning the Super Bowl after all those years made him lose his competitive desire. I've never won a Super Bowl, so it is hard for me to relate.

2. Marilyn Manson is getting divorced. I didn't even know he was married.

3. Saddam Hussein's execution has been described as a "lynching" and "undignified." Who gives a fuck? That sick fuck deserved to have his balls ripped off, his dick sliced off and shoved up his ass, his entrails cut out out and fed to dogs, and his brains bashed in while being burned alive. He got more mercy than his victims.

4. I still find it hard to believe that Bush wants to send more troops and money to the Iraq clusterfuck. Then, he is supposed to announce a new "strategy" for "winning the war." Yeah, right.

Folks, here is the truth about George W. Bush. The man is an idiot. He is in denial. He is wasting wealth and American lives for the sake of his legacy which he has utterly fucked for all time. Meanwhile, Afghanistan is sliding back into its previous state while Somalia is becoming a hotbed for al-Qaeda. Here is what Bush should do:

-Get out of Iraq. Negotiate some kind of truce and partition Iraq. Do whatever it takes, but get the fuck out of there. Don't leave it to the next president. And admit the mistake.

-Demand Dick Cheney's resignation. He should have left with Rumsfeld. Then, Cheney should be publicly repudiated.

-Find and kill Osama bin Laden.

These three things would go a long way to giving Bush a great legacy as a president. But he won't do these things. He will join neoconservatism in the toilet of history.

5. Go Gators.


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