Whenever I mention that I like NASCAR, there is always some addled brained diseased cerebrum fucktard who likes to spout off that he doesn't see the entertainment value in watching a bunch of guys drive in a circle. Now, I can see why some people don't like NASCAR, and I don't think it is a crime not to be interested in stock car racing. To each his own, I say. But to use reductionism as an argument is just pure shitheadedness. I'll apply the same logic to other endeavors:
Watching a bunch of guys slam into each other chasing after an inflated piece of leather.
A bunch of guys running around in a circle and popping speed in the dugout.
A bunch of tall guys putting a ball through an iron hoop and posing for SportsCenter highlights.
A bunch of women (or men) chasing a yellow ball around a court and emitting orgasmic grunts.
A bunch of guys in bad clothes hitting white balls on a lawn.
Flickering images of colored light on a screen.
People inseting body parts into other body parts resulting in stickiness and, in some cases, reproduction.
A mad chase after money which is immediately spent on consumer items and/or sex and drugs.
Everything in life can be reduced and diminished in this way. I admit that I have often made the same argument about things I am not interested in. But I realize that all I have to say is that I don't like those things much the same way I don't like collard greens, Oprah Winfrey, and hairy homosexual men.
The things we like are the things that mean something to us. Tony Stewart winning a race might not mean anything to you, but it means a lot to me. I can't wait for Daytona.
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