Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Reilly's exciting float loading adventure!

Today I embarked upon Reilly's first float loading lesson. I am so proud of him, he was so good. We had got him to the stage where he had all four feet inside and was licking and chewing and really happy when IT happened! What is 'IT' you ask. 'IT' was a Hercules C130 cargo plane that buzzed the farm!

I mean that sort of thing NEVER happens here! Sure, we get the odd light aircraft/crop duster but this was a freakin great big HERCULES (sorry about the caps but they are really very big and VERY loud) and it was so low I swear I saw the pilot wave at me. Nick said he must've seen what I was doing and come down for a closer look! Most of the horses took off in their paddocks (apart from the clydies who couldn't care less) and Reilly, bless him, stood his ground with a bit of ear flicking.

I am very proud of my wee boy!


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