Saturday, April 1, 2006

The Immigration Debate

I can't turn on CNN these days witout hearing a bunch of claptrap about Mexcian immigration and illegal aliens. My take on this is pretty simple:
1. Open the borders.
2. Eliminate social programs.
Immigrants don't take work from other people without also creating work. This country has been corrupted with the zero sum thinking of Karl Marx that holds that if someone gets a piece of the pie, you get none. This simply isn't true, but economic illiteracy is the norm in the USA.
The other factor behind all this xenophobia is bigotry. I hear arguments about "cultural impacts." This is code for "these wetbacks are freaking me out with their brown skin and different language." These people aren't fooling me. The same shit used to be said about Italian and Irish immigrants. It is so fucking sad to see how those two groups have "corrupted" American culture with their influence.
Immigration is a strength for our society. Immigrants provide labor, and they create jobs. Most of them simply want the same things we want--to work, raise a family, and maybe get a TiVo. What's wrong with this?
Finally, I kept hearing how these people end up on welfare. This is true to some extent. Mexicans will take handouts. But the answer to this is not to close the border (a pure folly) but to eliminate these programs which are harmful and stupid no matter who the money goes to. In addition, I hear people decry how a lot of these folks send much of their income back home to Mexico. What is wrong with this? It is their money!! They made it. You might as well apply the same logic to American tourists who go abroad and outlaw cruise ships and other such travel. I don't even know where to begin in tackling this steaming heap of ignorance.
If these folks are willing to work, let them come.


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