I can't help when I read or watch CNN concerning the current illegal immigration controversy and noticing how so much of the opposition to illegal immigrants is nothing more than concealed prejudice. Like it or not, a lot of white folks don't really want these "beaners" in their communities.
This shit bothers me because I lived with a Mexican for a year, and he was the nicest, hardest working fellow I have ever known. In addition, I have met many others who simply wanted to work and live. They are an asset to our country, and I don't care if they got here legally or illegally.
Much of the arguments against these people are based on faulty reasoning and ignorance of the basics of economics. I agree that giving these people welfare from the state coffers is wrong, but the reason this is so is because of the flaws of welfare not the fact that Mexicans receive it. Even if there were no immigrants, these programs are fucking stupid purely on the basis of principle.
Economically, history shows that immigration is shown to be a net positive. Immigrants improve the economy by providing necessary labor. They are also customers who want to buy our goods and services. Yet here are some of the stupid things I here from opponents:
1. These people are importing poverty.
This is blatantly retarded. Did the Irish bring their poverty here? How about the Italians? Does Florida import poverty when someone like me leaves South Carolina to go down there and work? Do Indian doctors import their poverty here?
This is based on the zero sum thinking that our economy is a pie, and your slice of the pie automatically gets smaller if these immigrants get some of it. But if this were true, the most populous countries on earth should be steadily getting poorer. Instead, they are getting richer. India and China are the fastest growing economies in the world today primarily because of their populations. They are a rich market of consumers and workers.
It amazes me how many right wing folks have embraced this zero sum thinking which comes from Marxist dogma. But they don't care where it came from so long as it can be used to justify their racism.
2. These people are sending "our" money home to their countries of origin.
Jose comes here, busts his ass, and sends half his paycheck home to support his mother in Mexico. I don't have a problem with this because it is Jose's money. He earned the money, so why shouldn't he be able to send it where he wants? Yet, some ignorant white fuck somewhere will argue that his money still belongs to our country. How did we get to this kind of stupidity?
Here's a newsflash. If you earned the money, it belongs to YOU. Not to anyone else. To say otherwise is to endorse slavery. Should my state get upset if Joe Schmo sends money back to Jersey? No. In fact, there would be an uproar if anyone even tried to stop Joe from spending his money the way he sees fit. Yet, change his name to Jose, and people will claim that he is doing something wrong for trying to help out his family back home in Mexico. What is Jose supposed to do? Jose is supposed to spend his money here because it really isn't his money but our money. We're just letting him borrow it for a little while. I call this theft, and Jose isn't the thief.
3. Mexicans hurt American workers.
Without a doubt, an increased supply of labor drives down the price of that labor. This is the law of supply and demand. To this extent, American workers are "hurt." What isn't told is how the American consumer benefits from lower prices on the goods and services he or she decides to purchase. Though American workers might make less, they are more likely to be able to afford a home because it was built with cheap immigrant labor. In addition, this will spur Americans to offer more as employees.
In a free market, you have to work. This is the way it is. You can't get something for nothing. But as we see, it is the Mexicans who work hard (though they are called lazy and worthless) while Americans expect to get paid top dollar for doing nothing. These lazy worthless fuckers want the government to protect them from having to sweat and offer something. This is pure communist claptrap, and it makes me want to puke.
The beauty of the free market is that it punishes the lazy and the stupid. Socialism does the opposite by rewarding these things. If you need evidence of this, look no farther than France. Ironically, even their immigrants now refuse to work but expect a job and a comprehensive social safety net to be "rights" which cannot be taken away because they may have a problem such as an inability to get out of the bed three mornings out of the week.
Work is not a curse. Work is fun. It is fun to learn new things and be productive. It instills pride. Yet, there are many in the US who don't share these beliefs and values and insist that they be subsidized and protected in their laziness. It is no wonder I can't get what I ordered at Burger King. Those people can't be bothered to get the order right. Yet, they deserve $12 to $15 an hour for fucking up those orders. It's nice to know that we will have an ample supply of government workers and inept bureaucrats from this pool of worthless fucks.
Immigration is a triumph of the free market. The fact that much of it is illegal comes from the universal truth that if you eliminate a free market a black market will emerge. The bigots may scream and cry about this, but the market always wins. INS looks the other way on this shit now. I can go round up a dozen or more illegals right now, but the authorities don't care. Hell, the government has even made it possible for illegals to pay taxes even though they don't have citizenship or a green card and are here in violation of the law. I think this is a beautiful thing.
Americans may say they hate illegal immigration, but they are voting with their dollars. And that vote says that immigrants are welcome here. We want to hire them, and we want to sell them goods and services. They have enriched us already in many ways, and the only drawbacks (welfare and organized crime) come primarily from shitheaded policies such as socialism and the war on drugs that are only incidentally related to immigrants.
So, what should the US do about this? That's simple. Open the borders. Let them come. Let them work. Let them live and breathe and enjoy the freedom. Liberty is a good thing, and don't let the Nazis in our society tell you differently.
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