Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Gas Prices

Gas prices are going back up which is no surprise. The other thing which is no surprise is that people are screaming over the fact that oil companies are actually making money. The horrors!!
Prices are determined by the interplay between supply and demand. The current high gas prices have been created primarily by a possible war with Iran in addition to the real war in Iraq. Secondarily, domestic drilling and refining of petroleum in the USA has been curtailed by the environmental movement in addition to those who have a "not in my backyard" mindset. Ultimately, the high price of gas lies with government and its actions.
One of the ironies is how those on the Left who decried cheap gas and lobbied for an increase in the gas tax are now crying about the high gas prices which only supports my belief that the Greens are really Reds. They care less about the environment than they do about wrecking capitalism.
The shitheads are now going after "price gougers" and greedy capitalists. In effect, they are calling for price controls which were tried with disastrous consequences under the Nixon administration back in the 1970's. Bad ideas like this never die. They get recycled at a later time when amnesia has set in.
The reality is that gasoline is not a human right. If you don't like high gas prices, you are free to pursue opportunities in petroleum or resort to a more fuel efficient vehicle. Eventually, prices will go down as market players work to take advantage of those high prices while consumers conserve. We see that the pricing mechanism is the best way to deal with the problem of this scarcity and provides the incentives to get things done.
In the meantime, I have to watch the economic illiterates piss and moan against something that is as elemental as gravity. It amazes me how stupid the public is, and how easily they are manipulated by the politicians into agreeing to things that make no fucking sense whatsoever. Telling oil companies that they don't have a right to make money is the same as stealing it. Legislation to end profitmaking would be a direct assault on the progress made during the Industrial Revolution. Clearly, this is not in our best interest. But you better believe these communist fucknuts will give it a try.


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