Thursday, January 13, 2005

Injured Pole Vaulter Sues University: A collegiate pole vaulter that suffered extreme head trauma after a fall during an attempt has sued her university. The suit claims that the university was negligent "in several ways relating to the mainteance and repair of the pole-vaulting pit and that the padding of the pit was inadequate given the hardness of the fieldhouse floor."

I will be interested to see how this suit plays out. After all, pole vaulting is an inherently dangerous sport, and it is unclear (from the article) about whether she was wearing a helmet at the time of the injury. The plaintiff seems to have anticipated such defenses and also claims that the university inadequately trained and supervised its pole vaulters and that its staff was not properly trained to “identify and eliminate risks to students” participating in pole-vaulting events.

The lawsuit will be brought to mediation Jan. 18. If mediation is unsuccessful, a trial is set for Sept. 12.


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