It's been ten years and ten days since 9/11.
This post is about the bloggers and the media reaction
to this event.
On the whole, my country New Zealand was great in
paying respect to the victims that fell that day.
As usual there was a small bunch of people on blogs, who
questioned 9/11, and the media coverage given to it.
IMHO The posters at "the standard" were horrible ripping
into people who would dare say, Thoughts and Wishes
with America today, they stated all sorts of conspiracy theories.
Ms Rahman wrote a piece at the brilliant Hand Mirror
site, who's writers, Julie, Suba Nurse, LudditeJourno
I respect.
She listed a bunch of world events from past decades
and asked why these dont recieve the same media attention.
IMHO it seems people have a habit of questioning
people who want to commemorate something
that happened in the USA, perhaps its because
they are the world's superpower, Im not sure.
(Ms Rahman has now explained her views to me)
If you read this blog, you would know Im pro American,
so 9/11 effected me, and I get a bit sensitive, when America
in my opinion gets knocked.
I have family members there, I also
commemorate 9/11 because when I have visited
America I found them to be an open and honest
and caring people, I commermorate the USA
because they have been good friend to
New Zealand.
(This post has now been heavily edited MsRahman is
not a diversity teacher, but as chartered accountant.
My views on her posts are my views and opinions, Im
not stating it as a fact.)
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