Q: Why are you always down on yourself?
A: I'm not a big believer in self-esteem. I read somewhere that people think criminals have low self-esteem, but studies indicate this is not true at all. In fact, criminals are overwhelmingly narcissistic. They have no trouble with self-love which may explain why they show virtually no remorse in relationship to their crimes.
The opposite extreme of this narcissism would be self-loathing and self-hatred. I don't suffer from that either. If you doubt this, look no further than this blog which has one overwhelming theme connecting all of it--my individuality. I can make fun of my appearance, my mistakes, and be brutally honest about myself because I accept myself as I am. When others hear this honesty and self-deprecation, they can't deal with it. This isn't because they feel sorry for me but because they cannot endure such an honest appraisal of themselves. I can.
I like who I am. In addition, I honestly don't give a fuck what others think about me. I like the feedback both positive and negative, but I don't take it personally. If you doubt this, click the "fuck you" button at the bottom of this post. I am fairly thick skinned.
I think I firmly occupy the midpoint between narcissism and self-hatred. I don't do either of those extremes. I laugh at myself because I am comfortable with who I am. Life is simply too short to pretend to be anyone other than who you are.
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