I have been watching the Greeks show their collective asses as their welfare state implodes. Naturally, these spoiled welfare brats get what they want--a bailout. I wonder what it will be like when the same crisis hits the USA.
There is something inherently flawed in human nature that makes people want to get something for nothing. But this flaw is what unravels societies. This is why governments are so heinous. It isn't that governments don't give the people what they want. Governments give people exactly what they want. The bottom line is that everyone wants a government check. But who is going to work and produce to make those checks good?
This is the problem my leftard friends are unable to grasp. I have labored for years with them to get them to answer one fundamental question. Who pays? Who is going to pay for the socialized health benefits? Who is going to pay for retirement benefits? Who is going to pay for education? Who is going to pay for subsidies to failed industries? Who is going to pay for the bail outs? I can't get a straight answer out of them except some vague reference to the "rich." Basically, we tax corporations and rich people into oblivion. These are the very people who helped to create the wealth in the first place. Once they are gone, what is left?
Maggie Thatcher got it right when she said that socialism works fine until you run out of other people's money. Greece is what happens when the money ends. But the funny thing is that the money hasn't ended. They are going to get their bailout. They have found a new source of wealth to soak and destroy. They are able to kick the can a little further down the road. But the road is running out for all of us.
This is not the first time this has occurred. History is replete with example after example of ancient welfare states and government tomfuckery that brought down their respective societies. Leftards think they have imagined something progressive and new with their schemes of social welfare and wealth redistribution. But it is the same old lie. Leftards are ignorant of history, and they base nothing on empirical observation. Instead, they propose a myth of progressive inevitability. They always talk about the clock being turned backward or forward along this timeline of inevitability when their socialist egalitarian promised land will come to be. And those fools damn us libertarians as "utopians." What idiots.
You can't get something for nothing. Even the most illiterate backwards backwoods redneck understands this concept. But leftards cannot grasp this elemental truth in their "brilliance." So, I go back to the question they can't answer. Who pays?
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