From the latest news, it looks like the Tories have it. It doesn't matter. The reality is the UK needs austerity. They need Margaret Thatcher. Time will tell on this.
We need champions of austerity. The only that qualifies is Gov. Christie in Jersey. For the most part, there is no leadership on this. What the world needs are leaders who will make the tough choices and do what is right. Obama won't do this. He is a socialist fucktard. Where will these strong executives come from? We are fucked. Utterly fucked.
3. BP
I have no thoughts on this at all. BP should pay for the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
If you have a lot of cash, buy gold. I don't mean gold on an exchange either. I mean real physical gold.
I am pro-immigration, so I am definitely at odds with the fasctards and some libertards over what is happening in Arizona. Hell, I'm glad people think this country is worth trying to get into. I'm not sure how much longer that will last.
The reality is that white people here hate Mexicans. I call it like I see it. When a white person sees a Mexican spouting Spanish, his asshole clenches up. This "asshole clench" is the basis for Arizona's new law. This is how you know someone is illegal. They make your sphincter spasm. They need to get rid of this stupid law.
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