Wednesday, May 5, 2010

GOP Civil War

A deep fissure is opening in the Republican Party between libertarians and the rest. Here is the evidence:

-Charlie Crist bolts the party and is polling ahead of both rivals.

-Republicans were recently polled as having an unfavorable view of the term "libertarian."

-Glenn Beck's ratings have fallen off a cliff as he identifies more and more with the libertarian side of things.

Libertarian influence is growing inside the party, but old school Republicans don't like it. As it stands, it is no longer a matter of the Tea Party will form a third party but if these Republicrats will form a third party. Charlie Crist is certainly showing the way.

The GOP is falling apart right now, but I think this is a good thing. The bad part is that Democrats may end up keeping majorities in both houses come this fall as Republicrats decide to stay home and not vote. The sad fact about these fuckers is they really are for big government. They just don't want big government for Mexicans, blacks, and homosexuals. Ultimately, they have conservative social values which is the only thing that distinguishes them from the lefards. This would be the twin idiots of Romney and Huckabee--two fucktards the GOP should expunge.

The civil war will come to a head this year. It won't be pretty. Who will win? That is hard to say. As it stands, libertarians are outnumbered but not like in 2008. Small government conservatives like Rubio and Palin are what keep the coalition together. But this fight has to be fought. It is better to lose on principle than win on hypocrisy.


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