It is time to stick a fork in the Libertarian Party. The LP is redundant, ineffective, destructive, and irrelevant.
The greatest movement for freedom we have seen in some time has been within the GOP. Ron Paul and the Campaign for Liberty represents the spearhead for the libertarian movement. Dr. Paul's failed run for the presidency as a Republican has done more for freedom than anything the LP has done in almost 40 years. The LP served a function for a time including giving Ron Paul his first presidential run. But as it stands, libertarians would be better served getting behind pro-liberty Republicans and small government conservatives.
The sad fact is that a third party stands no chance in this country. Arguing with reality is not going to change it. But the upside is that a well funded candidate can make an impact in the primaries even if he or she loses. This is because primary opponents automatically have a seat at the table. The LP can safely be ignored in a general election.
LP proponents will counter that the GOP sells out and betrays libertarian principles at the drop of a hat. This is true to some extent. Most Republicans pay lip service to small government ideas but betray them as soon as they are elected. But who can include Ron Paul in this group? Has anyone stuck to principle more than he has? And don't libertarians and Tea Party conservatives call out these RINOs?
By marginalizing themselves in a third party, libertarians have dulled the edge of the sword of freedom. By creating havoc and chaos in the GOP, they have sharpened the edge. Liberty is now a perpetual campaign.
Libertarians should not continue to contribute and support the LP. They are wasting their money and their votes if they do this. Pro-liberty Republicans need all the help they can get. When the LP runs a candidate in the general election, it doesn't help liberty. It hurts it. It tells everyone that libertarians can safely be ignored and throws the election to the worst of two evils.
Most libertarians have gotten the message, but the LP hasn't. It continues to be a marginal if not destructive force. The best thing the LP can do is close up shop and join up with the Tea Party, the Campaign for Liberty, and the Republican Liberty Caucus.
Critics of my position will counter that the LP serves a vital educational role in promoting the freedom message. This simply isn't true. Think tanks and organizations like the Cato Institute, the Mises Institute, Reason, and others already fulfill this educational role. Compared to these outfits, the LP is a joke.
Others will defend the LP by saying that the LP nominates bona fide libertarian candidates that you can feel good about voting for. I have two words for you--BOB BARR. They should call Barr a LINO--Libertarian in Name Only.
The LP has outlived its usefulness. It is time to close up shop or reorganize as something else. Otherwise, voting big L libetarian is a bad move.
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