I can't tell you what makes a great blog. I just know the ones I like. Believing that all value judgments are person relative, my opinion on this matter is just as valid as yours or anyone else's. These are some of the best blogs on the internet.
This is a side project of Zen Habits founder, Leo Babauta. Personally, I find it better than Zen Habits. I did not begin as a fan of this minimalist pathway, but I see it as being the true path when it comes to your lifestyle. Simplifying brings greater freedom, health, wealth, and flow to your life. As a consequence, I repeatedly edit my life to eliminate things. mnmlist helps in this by giving recommendations and inspiration.
LRC Blog
This is a libertarian blog, and I find many interesting items and links here. It consistently delivers.
Hit & Run
This is the libertarian blog from the Reason gang. Where LRC would be the Austrian School, Hit & Run would be the Chicago School. Always great stuff here.
Marginal Revolution
This is the blog of Alex Tabarrok and Tyler Cowen, two economists at George Mason University, but it doesn't take much reading to realize that Tyler is the Paul Simon of this duo. The blog is a blend of economics, cultural musings, and other eclectic bits. Despite the wide ranging subject matter, it consistently delivers.
Empire Burlesque
This the blog of antiwar journalist Chris Floyd, and it is a gutwrencher. The MSM presents the official viewpoint of the war. Floyd gives the unofficial and honest view of the war. If you ever wondered why they hate America abroad, Empire Burlesque answers the question for you.
Instapundit is just a bunch of links to other stuff, yet I can't go there without clicking on one of the links. It is like the Drudge Report for people who tend towards a libertarian/conservative viewpoint.
The Volokh Conspiracy
This is another GMU blog but from the law school side. Very deep.
Zero Hedge
This is an explosive blog. It is so explosive the blog authors hide behind pseudonyms taken from Fight Club and other movies, history, etc. The subject is the world of trading and finance, and the viewpoints are blunt and raw. This ain't CNBC.
These are just some of my picks. As I discover more, I will share them. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
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