Saturday, February 27, 2010

2010's first run and some jerks

Short run: 20 min (?), 70-85% HR

Oa jerks 16kg & 20kg: 5/5
Jerk 2x20kg: 5

Jerk 2x24kg: 5, 20, 20

Oa jerks 28kg: 5/5
Jerk 2x28kg: 3

I realized it was probably good weather for a jog. I wanted a slow run at max 80% of HR. It was tricky as I easily got up to 85%. Might be that I am unused to running hence heart rate gets up even when your visual impression tells you that you are running slowly.

The jerks after running were a lot tougher on legs and cardio.
Hope I am not crippled tomorrow :-).


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