Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Challenge for Joe Romm

[UPDATE #2: Did I say wow? ljohnson ups the ante in the comments, copying a message posted at Romm's:Lets up the ante Joe.I will match every dollar you put up, to 10,000 USD, to the winner's charity of choice. If you win, you don't pay and I do, to your charity.If you lose, we both pay to Medecin san Frontiers. The winner is determined by an audience, which, as you choose...

2010 MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference

I look forward to being a speaker at the 2010 MIT Sloan Sloan Sports Analytics Conference, which will be held this Saturday, March 6. It will be an all day event. Other speakers include:* Daryl Morey, Houston Rockets GM (and MIT grad)* Mark Cuban, Owner of the Dallas Mavericks* Steve Pagliuca, Managing Partner of the Boston Celtics* Sunil Gulati, President, United States...

I won a blogging Award!

Firstly a big thank you to Sue, of Living the Good Life who gave me a Beautiful Blogger award:The rules for accepting this award:Thank the person that gave you the awardPass this award on to 15 bloggers (I have chosen 13) you've recently discovered and whom you think are fantastic!Contact the Bloggers you pick to let them know they've wonState 7 Things about yourself!1. Thank...

Lady's Bicycle? Colour vs Form

Still obsessively browsing the new NAHBS 2010 pictures, I am seeing some bicycles in pastel colour schemes that suggest they are meant for women. [image by Geekhouse Bikes via flickr]Here is one from Geekhouse that I must say is spectacular. Personally, I consider this colour scheme "feminine", in the sense that the colours are traditionally seen on women's clothing and...

Tack sheds and Ponies ...

Well my instant tack shed (shipping container) is starting to take shape. I still need hooks and shelves and cover racks etc. sorted out but at least 75% of my gear is now out of the bedroom/laundry/kitchen/living room/old shed/garage/car and in the container!While I was taking photos of the new tack shed, I wandered over to Brennan and took some of him too so, here's the...

Direct or Indirect? Two Views on Engaging Climate Change

Across the page from each other in todays NYT, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Al Gore express polar opposite views on how to enagage climate change. Gore recommends a direct approach focused on using science a a political sledgehammer against the "deniers":What is important is that the overwhelming consensus on global warming remains unchanged. It is also worth noting...

Two IPCC SREX Authors Discuss Inclusiveness

Last week Andy Revkin documented the fact that the IPCC decided to leave me off its committee on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX). That I was left off is less troubling that there is no way to discern why I was left off, as the IPCC functions as a black box.Perhaps there is some insight to be gained from one of...

Quotable Quotes

You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new.STEVE JOBSConcentrated power is not rendered harmless by the good intentions of those who create it.MILTON FRIEDMANLiberals tend to hold the bribe-giver as somehow more reprehensible, as in some way 'corrupting' the taker. In that way they deny the free will and the responsibility of each individual for his own actions.MURRAY ROTHBARDHappiness comes when we test our skills towards some meaningful purpose.JOHN STOSSELThe...


Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Star Caps Saga Continues

More than a year after the NFL attempted to suspend Pat and Kevin Williams of the Minnesota Vikings for violating the NFL Policy on Anabolic Steroids and Related Substances (the “NFL Policy”), litigation involving the case continues. The case took another turn last week when Judge Gary Larson, a Minnesota state court judge, handed down a 44 page opinion in response to the parties’ motions for summary judgment.Here are some questions raised by the fairly dense opinion, with some answers.1. What was the ruling? Judge Larson spent most of the...

Robbie made it!

Very quick blog to let everyone know that Robbie made it to his new home and family in one piece. His timing is pretty good as one of Sheree's mares came into season today - Pretty sure he knows it too!I think he smells a girl!New familyMmm foodFace still in bucket - that's my b...

2010's first run and some jerks

Short run: 20 min (?), 70-85% HROa jerks 16kg & 20kg: 5/5Jerk 2x20kg: 5Jerk 2x24kg: 5, 20, 20Oa jerks 28kg: 5/5Jerk 2x28kg: 3I realized it was probably good weather for a jog. I wanted a slow run at max 80% of HR. It was tricky as I easily got up to 85%. Might be that I am unused to running hence heart rate gets up even when your visual impression tells you that you are running slowly.The jerks after running were a lot tougher on legs and cardio.Hope I am not crippled tomorrow :...

NAHBS Goes Floral

I had been looking forward to the 2010 North American Handmade Bicycle Show (NAHBS) and now the images are finally beginning to show up on flickr and various cycling websites. Lots of beautiful bicycles, with Randonneur and Porteur aesthetics looming large. Another theme I've noticed is the prevalence of floral designs, especially in accessories. Have a look:[image by sleepyneko...

Random Thoughts on Various Subjects

1. AC TRANSIT BUS FIGHT is a viral video that has become immensely popular because some gnarly old white dude beats the shit out of a black guy. The reason for its popularity is obvious. People enjoy seeing a black guy getting the shit beat out of him by a gnarly old white dude. Naturally, this has brought with it a lot of commentary and analysis from various quarters on race, politics, and "old man strength." I don't think a fight has been so popular or so much discussed since Ali-Frazier. As for me,...

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Pinky Pony

Brennan's first girlfriend arrived last week. She's a very sweet little cremello (albino) mare. He thinks she looks wonderful, she on the other hand is rather nonplussed by him. Poor Brennan.The Container is in situ and now has a fair amount of my tack in it but is sorely in need of shelving so that is the task for the coming days. I have some shelves in the old shed but they...

New Column on NFL Teams Cutting Players with Post Concussion Symptoms

In the wake of the Eagles cutting Brian Westbrook, I have a new column on the legal, ethical, and political implications of NFL teams cutting players who suffer from concussions. Here's an excerpt:* * *The NFL's collective bargaining agreement does not distinguish concussions from other injuries for purposes of cutting a player. But should it?After all, there is an...

An Update on MLB Properties v. Upper Deck

As discussed here earlier in the month, MLB Properties - MLB's trademark licensing and enforcement entity - recently filed a trademark infringement lawsuit against trading card manufacturer Upper Deck, alleging that Upper Deck was producing unauthorized sets of baseball cards featuring MLB uniforms and logos. On February 16th, Judge Sweet granted a motion by MLB Properties...

IPCC to be Independently Reviewed

Has the UN turned a corner on its oversight of the IPCC? An article in today's Telegraph suggests maybe so: Environment and Climate ministers meeting in closed session in Bali last night insisted that an independent review should be carried out following the publicising of mistakes in its last report, and a row surrounding Dr Pachauri's robust response to his critics....



DVD-The Hurt Locker

It is not often that you see a great movie. The Hurt Locker is a great movie.The story is about a group of soldiers tasked with disarming IEDs in Iraq. For a war movie, it is quiet. There isn't a lot of action. But you will be on the edge of your seat watching this one. It is intense because the movie lays out at the beginning what is at stake when it comes to dealing with...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

What about curling?

As the Olympics wind down, I found myself thinking about the "What's a Sport?" question as applied to one of the darlings of these Games--curling. Curling seems to have been discovered in Vancouver, as the public has learned of the game's rhythms (somewhat comparable to baseball), its shot-making and strategy (comparable to golf, with collision physics thrown in), and the attractiveness of many of the female curlers (several European curlers even posed nude for a fund-raising calendar). And curling was a staple of NBC's afternoon live cable coverage...

Defining Skepticism Down

[UPDATE: The editors at Foreign Policy have added this text at the bottom of the page describing my views:*Editor's note: Pielke has informed the editors of FP that he strongly objects to being included on a list titled "Climate Skeptics." The aim of the list was, as the introduction states, to separate "the noise from the serious concerns" with regards to those offering critiques...

Hey Martin, the Reasons I wont Support the RWC

Pictured above is Martin Snedden, he is the CEO of the RWC.He recently wrote a piece for Fairfax, saying how he would love all New Zealanders to support the Rugby World Cup in2011.He went on to say, that a lot of New Zealanders despise rugby, but he still wants to invite those people to enjoythe RWC because it will capture the nation.I put it to you Martin Snedden, that you...

Seton Hall Symposium Postponed

Due to weather, the Seton Hall sports symposium originally scheduled for tomorrow will be postponed. I'll update when a date gets s...

Red Meat

James Inhofe (R-OK) is an irresistible attraction to many in the climate debate. A commenter has pointed out that the Senator has released a report -- his latest of many -- in which he indicates that his staff will be looking at whether climate scientists have broken any laws, based on the CRU emails. In my view this sort of announcement is what you do when you don't think...

Watson vs. Pielke on IPCC at Yale e360

In parallel with Robert T. Watson, former chair of the IPCC, I have a piece over at Yale e360 on the IPCC. Watson argues that the IPCC needs some minor tinkering but is otherwise sound. I call for more comprehensive reforms.Please visit there, read both essays and then feel free to return here and ask questions or discuss. Here are a few short excerpts:Watson: So does...



Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Trenberth, Christy and Pielke on IPCC Reform

The Council on Foreign Relations asked Kevin Trenberth, John Christy and me for capsule summaries of our views on reform of the IPCC. Here are snippets from the responses:Trenberth: The IPCC review and oversight process is very rigorous. Clearly there can be and have been some lapses, but they appear to be fairly few. I do not think the system is broken and needs further...

Seeing What We Want to See

To a large extent, we all shape our own experiences of reality: We see the things we want to see and block out the things that do not fit our world view.Walking home yesterday afternoon, I was amused to notice how much I tend to do this even when it comes to bicycles.Both Vienna and Boston are full of generic modern unremarkable bikes, yet the ones I pay attention to are the...

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