Saturday, December 5, 2009

Random Thoughts on Various Subjects


Without a doubt, climate change is a politically charged topic, and this only turns it up a notch. Unlike my climate skeptic friends, I am not ready to point the finger and say, "Aha! I told you so." The only thing Climategate shows is the candor of scientists in their private emails. If mine were published, I shudder to think what the world's impression of me would be.

What does remain is the need for global warming believers to make a stronger case instead of saying that the debate is over. These fuckers are way too hasty in their zeal to fuck our economies and/or make a buck for themselves in the process.

I am concerned for the survival of our planet and our survival as a species. This is why I am way concerned about possible catastrophic meteor strikes. One of those makes our fears over climate change look very stupid. We already have ample evidence about what these things can do and even had two movies that are actually plausible future scenarios unlike that stupid climate change flick, The Day After Tomorrow. Yet, the US Government spends almost nothing on tracking asteroids or developing technologies to prevent us from becoming like the dinosaurs. Where is Al Gore on this?

The deafening silence of these people on the meteor issue only shows the real intent of these alarmists. They care primarily about fucking over large oil companies. In the breast of every environmentalist beats a Bolshevik heart. The climate change threat is plausible, and the results are mild. The meteor threat is real, and the results are catastrophic. When we get the Big One, no one is going to care whether you drove a Prius or an SUV.


Turns out Tiger Woods was a big time philanderer. This does not surprise me. Monogamy is a myth especially for rich and fit athletes. A man has got to catch his nut.


The Nobel Peace Prize Winner is escalating a war. The mind boggles. Somewhere, George W. Bush is laughing.

Occupying a country is not the way to beat terrorists. If it were, we should go occupy other countries like Somalia. There's plenty of space there for training camps.

This escalation is not about winning the war on terrorism but nation building which no statist can refrain from doing. This is like asking Slash to give up smoking and guitar playing. So, Obama repeats the mistakes of his predecessor, and we will have Iraq II. As for Iraq, we won't be leaving there either. Massive debts to come later.


I find it ironic that Tiger's mistress is shocked and angered to find out Tiger has other mistresses. Women are strange like this. They can share their man with a wife but not another slut. Amazing.

5. BCS

Obama could do worse things than go ahead with is promise to use his bully pulpit to call for a college football playoff. It is screwed up that we still have the BCS.


Barbara Ehrenreich has a new book out called Bright Sided which makes the case that the cult of positive thinking that holds sway in corporate America was a direct cause of our current economic calamity. I tend to agree with her assessment, but I wonder she doesn't apply this same sobriety to her Bolshevik love for government solutions and labor unions. Another leftard who only has it half right.


I am with the Austrians in believing that unemployment is a government creation. You can read about it here.

Basically, government creates unemployment through these means:

-Raising the minimum wage, overtime pay, etc. that makes it more expensive to hire workers.

-Taxing companies to pay for government expenditures and reducing profits that could be reinvested.

-Regime uncertainty that makes companies scared to invest or hire because they don't how they will be fucked next.

-Unemployment insurance that pays people not to work and adjust to new economic conditions.

For me, unemployment is a temporary two to three week hassle. That's it. Even in this recession, I know of plenty of places that are desperate to hire but can't make an offer that beats unemployment checks. With the government granting extensions on these checks, this actually makes the job market better for someone like me who has never collected an unemployment check in his life. I despise free money.

I learned a long time ago to save my money for the inevitability of losing my job. The free market is about change, so you need to prepare yourself for the changes. But there is always a job out there. ALWAYS. Unemployed people are just too lazy to get them.

Assistance granted to the unemployed does not dispose of unemployment. It makes it easier for the unemployed to remain idle.


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