It is amusing to watch the Tiger Woods meltdown. Here you have a guy with an impeccably clean image, and it is utterly blown to shit. People are DISAPPOINTED. The shame of it all.
Woods is just the latest guy with a polished image to go down. We must not forget Mark Sanford with his wife, four kids, and his evangelical faith who blew his entire career and public image to catch his nut in some Argentine fuckmeat. Then, there was Eliot Spitzer who prosecuted prostitution as a DA but also used the same info from his past job to hire callgirls. The result was the end of squeaky clean image and a political career. Poor Eliot. That must have been some good pussy. Here's a pic:
We can go on and on with examples of people on pedestals who fell. The question I have is this. Why put yourself up there in the first place? Why not be a scoundrel?
The advantage of being a scoundrel is that you never let anybody down. No one would be shocked to discover that Johnny Depp was cheating or would even care. Keith Richards can do just about anything he wants, and no one will be upset so long as no concerts get cancelled. Then, there is Ronnie Wood cavorting with some young Russian bimbo on a drug-and-drinking binge for the ages. No one gives a fuck except maybe Keith Richards who is missing all the fun.
Being a scoundrel is the better way to go. You don't break any hearts. You don't let people down. And you don't lose any endorsement deals which are probably for blunt papers and malt liquor. You are loved for being exactly who you are. And you can pleasantly surprise people in much the same way that Han Solo swooped in to save the day at the end of Star Wars. Without a doubt, being the rogue is the smart way to be.
Tiger fucked up in not being a good guy but in pretending to be a good guy. The public loves its scoundrels. They always have and always will. This is because scoundrels exhibit integrity which properly defined means having the same quality throughout. You can be a rogue and still be honest. You can still have a code and all that. But you are true to who you are. Tiger should have been upfront about being a player both on the course and off. This is how Charles Barkley and Dennis Rodman did it.
It is truism that the public does not like to be tricked. It is OK to root for a scoundrel, but you look like a chump when you root for a hero who turns out later to be a fake. The public does not forgive this as easily. While a lifelong fuckup like Dennis Hopper still has his endorsement deals, Tiger Woods will be lucky to keep any of his. It is safe to say you will see Hopper on a box of Wheaties before you see Tiger Woods there again.
Be a scoundrel. You can't go wrong with this strategy.
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