In The Daily Mail, David Rose has a hard-hitting critique of the CRU email situation. His summary of the debate in the emails over how to handle the Briffa curve is well done. However, he focuses more than I would on the science rather than the science policy, and this shows up in how I am quoted or referred to in several places. Recognizing that it is his story, there is a misquote of my comments that I think needs to be corrected. Here is what I sent David asking for a correction:
Dear David-[UPDATE 12/13: I received a reply from David Rose who said he would forward my request to the appropriate editor.]
I just saw your story in the Daily Mail and a small correction is needed. You quote me as saying:
"These emails open up the possibility that big scientific questions we’ve regarded as settled may need another look."
What I said was:
"While these emails open up the possibility that some scientific questions we’ve regarded as settled may need another look, time will tell and the implications for science are not the most important aspect of the emails."
The point was that while I am agnostic about the implications for science, leaving that to others, I am certain that the emails have broader implications for the credibility and legitimacy of certain quarters of climate science. Based on what I've seen, I do not believe that any "big scientific questions" are implicated by the emails.
Many thanks,
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