At 5:18am this morning my beautiful Bella gave birth to a corker of a chestnut colt - Super text book birth apart from Bella sustaining a bit of a tear. He came out with no assistance and fast!!!! He has gone from strength to strength and was definitely running before he could walk (first forward movement appeared to be canter rather than walk, haha!). I can sit here in my office and watch them through the window and he's doing a pretty good job of getting the hang of things out there. Bella passed the placenta beautifully about half an hour after he arrived and he's passed the meconium with relative ease. It's an absolute stunner of a morning here with bright sunshine peeking up over the hilltops and bathing the farm in a golden glow. Mornings like this it's great to be alive. Anyway, rather than blather on, I will leave you with the first photos of Reilly's most recent son.
Welcome to the world
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