Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Goddamn Truth About Nidal Malik Hasan

Nidal Malik Hasan is the son of Palestinian immigrants who came to America. He is now known as the Fort Hood Shooter. Little is known about him at the present time, but I will use my clever imagination to fill in the blanks for you, Gentle Reader.

Hasan joined the Army straight out of high school. The reason is because he was intelligent but poor. Needing cash to get to college, Hasan attended school on the taxpayer's dime going all the way to getting an MD. Hasan loved the military because it was a great welfare program. The killing part he didn't like as much.

While in the military, Hasan was first called a "sand nigger" by another soldier. This burned Hasan's ass. He hated the fucker and wanted to bash his brains in. But that would affect his career. So, he responded by becoming more and more militant in his Islamic beliefs. This made other people hate him more. Then, one day, some terrorists flew some planes into some buildings on a day we know as 9/11. While everyone else was horrified, Hasan secretly rejoiced. These American motherfuckers had got what was coming to them.

Hasan's inner torment began in earnest when the US decided to invade Afghanistan and Iraq to kill some Muslims and even the score which in America means killing at least 100 of them for everyone they killed of us. Hasan hated this. He voiced his displeasure in earnest, and everyone hated the fucker even more for expressing support for the "ragheads." But the Army had to be politically correct, and let this shit go. The FBI wiretapped Hasan's phone and email and watched him like a hawk thanks to the Patriot Act provisions. If this fucker ever went berzerk, the Feds would be on his ass like stink on shit. Everything would be just peachy fine. Yeah, right.

Hasan worked with soldiers coming back from the wars, and he heard all the stories of anguished soldiers telling of blowing some fucker's brains out and running over kids with tanks and raping the shit out of Muslim women. Hasan pretended to give a shit about this anguish, but he secretly wanted to kill these soldiers for these atrocities. He hated their fucking guts as they talked of wasting "camel jockeys and sand niggers and hajis."

Hasan's psyche was a powder keg, and it exploded at Fort Hood on Novermber 5, 2009 as he screamed "Allahu Akbar" and started shooting every uniformed fucker he could find and who were conveniently unarmed to keep them safe. Two decades of pent up anger and hatred were unleashed on innocents. They shot Hasan who did not expect to live. He did live and will certainly face execution for his actions.

The Obamaites were aghast at the incident and moved quickly to spin the story into a lone crazed gunman along the lines of Columbine and the Virginia Tech killer. This was not "terrorism." They were desperate to paint it as anything other than fodder for Dick Cheney to toss around on Sunday talk shows. But he will. You can count on that.

As I said, I am filling in the blanks with my imagination. Only Hasan knows what was in his own head. But it isn't much of a stretch to figure out. Now, we have the blame game. Whose fault is all this? I can tell you. It is Nidal Malik Hasan's fault. Pundits, politicians, and idiots will point to all sorts of larger issues that created the circumstances behind all of Hasan's actions. But this is stupid. Hasan was a fucktard. For this, he deserves to die.


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