The Catholic doctrine of celibacy is a Platonic doctrine. It denies the world and the flesh for the sake of some higher calling. The result of this ludicrous doctrine is guilt, shame, perversion, and criminal activity.
With a few notable exceptions, human beings are sexual beings. It is hardwired into our species. We are programmed to procreate. Trying to deny this reality only leads to frustration and pathology. The simple fact is that your kids are safer with Hugh Hefner than with a typical Catholic priest.
Catholic apologists will make the case that not all priests or nuns are perverted like this. I will simply cite the fact that most married Protestant clergy don't have the same issues as those within the Catholic Church. The irony is that by denying sexuality these fucktards actually become more perverted. And the Catholic Church tries to cover it all up.
Sex is a normal part of human experience and to deny this only corrupts it. The Catholic Church can't change their stance on it because it would require them to admit error. My advice for parents is to never let their children be in the presence of these perverts. As for those who will claim that celibacy does not lead to perversion, who are we kidding here?
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