I believe in the death penalty in principle. I think murderers deserve to die. In practice, I am against the death penalty because of the likelihood of mistakes. Now, it turns out that just such a mistake was made in Texas and the governor is in CYA mode. Recently, SC pardoned two people it executed 94 years ago. Then, there was that mess in Illinois.
If I have to choose between a murder spending life in prison or an innocent person being put to death, I prefer the former even if it means some pissed of kinfolk will spend their lives stewing in anger. The reason is because those innocent people have kin, too. When the state kills the innocent, it is guilty of murder.
I am of the opinion that the only time you should take a life is when that person is causing imminent danger to the lives of other people or yourself.
I recently posted two links at Ultravore about kids, and they confirmed two things that I have been thinking in the back of my mind for a long time. The first is that kids cost more money than they ever return. The idea that they were a retirement plan for agrarian societies is turning out to be a myth. The reality is that humans have an insatiable need to reproduce, and they expend considerable sacrifice to do this.
The second is that raising kids to be a certain way is largely a waste of time. Kids are who they are, and you can't make them into anything. I suspect kids turn out the way they do mostly because of genetics. In short, we don't want our kids to make the same mistakes we did, but they are programmed to be just like us. Considering how big of an asshole I am, not having kids is a pretty good idea.
The Gamecocks are doing pretty good this season, but I don't see them beating Alabama tonight. Ironically, almost all the callers on the local sportstalk station were predicting an upset. This is called bias. It immediately disappears when money is wagered. I want my Gamecocks to win, but I would put my cash on Alabama.
For all his sliplippiness, Joe Biden is turning out to be the smartest guy in the Obama adminstration. His recommendations on Afghanistan make a lot of sense. He is eschewing nation building in favor of limited engagement. Basically, he says we should focus on the bad guys and let Afghanistan manage itself. Naturally, he will be ignored, and we will get escalation.
The Ron Paul Money Machine is huge, and Paul and Schiff have amassed large war chests. Can they win? This is hard to tell. It all comes back to ideas, and the voting public is largely stupid. Ron Paul had large donations, but he failed to win a single primary. If Paul and Schiff fail in their respective primaries, you can count me as a political agnostic. There will be no hope for this land of shitheads.
I hate Rachel Maddow now. She is a clueless stupid ass bitch because she has wedded her lips firmly to Obama's sphincter. Leftards need to stand on some principle and demand Obama live up to his promise on gays in the military. I'm not gay, but I do believe in equality under the law and homophobia in the military needs to end. It is wrong. It will piss off some fundies and fasctards but fuck them. They are stupid.
I got slammed with this slur in an email exchange a couple of weeks ago for referring to a former girlfriend as a "stupid bitch." I think this was justifiable because she was a.) stupid and b.) a bitch. She would confess readily to the latter but not the former. Either way, some shit-for-brains fucknut decides that I'm not PC and slams me as a "heto-sexist." Had this fucktard said this to me in the flesh, I would have shattered his teeth and destroyed his face to a bleeding pulp. I hate these fuckers.
Leftards will berate the living fuck out of Sarah Palin as being a dumb, stupid, shit-for-brains, flagwaving, moose hunting, fundie bitch. I will defend by citing that she has a nice ass. Not one word about sexism will be uttered. Mention that Rachel Maddow has tuna breath, and your ass will be reamed to hell and back by the PC crowd.
Political correctness is not about enlightenment but power. Speech codes serve only one function which is conformity to the power of the leftard cult. The reality is that I defend the freedom of women. I also want to have sex with women. There are some women I love and some women I hate. But generally speaking, I am a pro-choice, live and let live type of guy. Leftards are anti-choice, and they want to run every life they can. They are wannabe tyrants. This is why I want to punch them in the face.
No one is going to dictate to me how I'm going to think or speak. Period. NOBODY. This is why offensive types like Larry Flynt and Howard Stern are heroes. You may not like what they express, but they have the balls to express themselves which gives the rest of us freedom to express ourselves. You have to push the boundaries or else those boundaries will close on you until they strangle you to death. This is the agenda of the PC Left. They could give a shit about women as you can see from their treatment of Palin.
The best way to deal with PC people is to deliberately piss them off. Defy them. Rub their noses in it. And you can also support an organization like FIRE which fights for free speech on the battleground of college campuses where freedom of thought and expression should be championed instead of threatened.
It seems global warming peaked in 1998. Carbon dioxide has increased in the atmosphere, but no warming has happened since. What are we to make of this? I take it with a grain of salt, too, just like I did with Al Gore. The reality is that our ability to predict future climate is limited. I know this because the climate people have a hard time explaining past events.
My advice to environmentalists is very simple. Develop clean technologies that are efficient and cheap. You won't have any problem getting people to switch. This free market approach works because I use all those new compact fluorescent light bulbs Al Gore preached about. I also turn off my computer each day before going to work. My electric bill is much lower.
Enviros are clueless on economics which is why all their solutions are government solutions. The only time they consider the money side is when it comes to rent seeking like the cap-and-trade bullshit. Meanwhile, the Obama administration champions clean coal which is a myth while downplaying natural gas which is the cleanest of all fossil fuels. This is the power of lobbying and the stupidity of the Left. I don't call them leftards for nothing.
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