Is their one NZ Journalist out there who will call Lomu up on his lies??
Yes I understand that he is courageous for coming back from a Kidney Transplant
I understand there has never been a scandal involving him.
For the past 15 years, we have heard that he is under appreciated and if anyone says anything
negative its just tall poppy syndrome.
But LOMU is spelt L O M U not G O D.
He is human and he can lie, thruout his career he has done interviews where he has thrown out stats about himself stories about his global popularity which our media has never done any fact checking on.
Just last night he told a press conference that he can run the 100 metres in 10.9. Now 10.9 is not fast for a Olympic sprinter, but I doubt if Lomu even did this.
He had no evidence, noone offically timed him, so why take it as goseph. Having followed track and field, I can guranntee you that a man in his mid 30's who is the size of Lomu who hasnt done specific training for the 100 metres wouldn't run that time.
So why didnt our media say anything??????
Because Lomu cannot be questioned in New Zealand, it shows the pathetic state of Journalism in this country that we cant question this guy.
Im guessing if he took up League though, things will change.
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