The snuff film is considered an urban legend, but Snuff shows that this view is naive. Through interviews and disturbing video clips, this DVD presents the case that these sickening films actually do exist, and they are more prevalent than we like to admit.
Snuff is disturbing to say the least, but it is most disturbing when it highlights not the underground stuff but the sick horror we see on the evening news or on the internet courtesy of the war. I can't watch these things, yet I know people who have watched jihadis beheading American captives on the internet and American soldiers gunning down people in the streets of Baghdad. The reality is that we are awash in footage of real people dying on camera.
What sickens us is not so much the existence of these films, but the fact that people derive enjoyment from them. That is the real horror. With all that exists on the internet, I hate to admit that there are a lot of twisted sick evil motherfuckers right here in the USA.
Fictional horror is one thing. We know it isn't real, but it helps us to come to grips with the real horrors that exist. Real horror is something else entirely. That is when we either recoil from the horror and cling to our humanity, or we embrace it.
The final scene with the porn producer who says he saw a snuff film in the 70's which sickened him is difficult to watch. This is what makes Snuff such a hard video. It grapples with human evil, and you can't come to the end of the documentary without it changing you. I recommend Snuff but only for those who can handle the reality of what human beings are capable of doing to other people. You won't leave this one feeling good.
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