Thursday, October 15, 2009

Being humbled by the virtue of a player


Here is a good news story from Nashville, TN. Great things are happening around the country.

Be sure to let me know about the transformations in your program so we can encourage one another.

God bless, Lou

Just wanted to share a quick story with you regarding charity. As you know our school, St. Henry, is new to sports leader and are still figuring it out to a degree but recently we had one of the players on my team suddenly lose his father. It was obviously devastating to the family and a shock to all of us. As John’s teammates rallied around him with support we knew the family was suddenly in need of many things as John’s dad was unemployed and did not have life insurance. As our church community was being asked to help support the family with rides for John to and from school and practice and with monetary donations we coaches asked our players that in addition to what they were already doing to support John would they want to consider a small monetary donation to the family also. Our stipulation was that any money donated from them had to be their money not money from their parents. Over the next couple of days it was amazing to see the bags of change and bills that came in. One child came up and gave us $100.00 and we reminded him that the money should be his not his parents. He was quick to let us know that it was his and he had been saving that money for a year. Talk about being humbled. Our football players (5th and 6th graders) donated over $400.00 to John’s family.
On a side not want to let you know that at the end of practice we the get together and chant “123 go tigers” Now they chant “charity, humility, courage, 123 go tigers”
Tommy Hagey


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