Saturday, June 2, 2007

Random Thoughts on Various Subjects


Dr. Paul is kicking ass in polls and on the internet. So, why doesn't he get more press?

The mainstream media is beholden to mainstream candidates. They are more ready to fawn over the undeclareds like Fred Thompson and Al Gore than they will over a person of substance like Ron Paul.

I can't wait for the next GOP debate.


This bitch needs to OD and die. Christ.


Got sold out by the Democrats and hung up the crusade. Aside from Ron Paul, there isn't a person in DC with the balls to oppose this war. Everyone agrees that the war is a clusterfuck, but no one will go on record to be against it or vote to end it. Sad sad shit when you consider that 70% of the American public agree that Iraq was a mistake.

4. TB

The Andrew Speaker case is a strange one. The bottom line is that the fucker had a drug resistant case of TB. He knew it. And he spread it not giving a fuck about the harm to others. I'm sorry, but that makes the guy a grade-A dick in my book.

Some in the libertarian community may disagree, but I think a disease like Speaker has is a threat to others. I know he didn't ask for it, but it doesn't matter. I just know what I would do in his situation. I would protect others by turning myself in to the proper authorities. Life is a bitch, but that's the way it is.

Thanks to Mr. Speakers lack of ethics in this matter, a whole lot of other people are afraid right now because they might have the same shit Speaker has. There ought to be a law against this sort of thing.


People are seeing Venezuela's Hugo Chavez for what he really is--a communist dictator who will violate people's freedoms.

The Left esp. in the USA secretly admires Chavez, and they root for him. These people are idiots. Communism and socialism are failures, but these shit-for-brains cocksuckers can't be troubled with the facts. And if you dare to disagree, Chavez will shut you down.

Leftists champion free speech--their free speech. But once they get in power, they do not hesitate to silence opponents. Chavez has already done this. Trust me, folks, this is the tip of the iceberg. Chavez will be putting people in prison and doing all sorts of other bullshit before long. You can count on it.


This week's award goes to Danny Glover for having his lips pressed firmly to the ass of Hugo Chavez. Glover praises Chavez. How can this fool say he is a champion of human rights? Danny Glover is a shithead.



The middle name of President Harry Truman was just the letter 'S.'



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