Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Good Intentions

This was written on Saturday, but I relented on publishing it. My girlfriend dumped me today while I was out of town like the coward she is. So, here it is.

Thursday and Friday were good days all things considered. Today is Saturday, and it has been a bad day for me.

I do not know where to begin with this. So, here's a little quotation to set the mood:

I think I'm falling in love with you, Mr. Broadway! As scary as it may seem, I will never hurt you. You just have to trust me as much as I trust you.

The first time I read those words I knew they would turn out to be untrue. Women make sweeping statements like these, and they seem so grand and well-intentioned. You want to believe them. But experience tells you it will never be like that.

Women are without virtue. Aristotle said this. It is because women are without reason which is the essential component of virtue. Women are feelings and emotions and nothing more. Their words count for nothing because they will be forgotten as soon as their mood changes. Women are never satisfied. They are needy and confused and essentially stupid. Consequently, women can never be happy. These are points that Aristotle made, so get mad at him. I'm just agreeing with the cat.

I'm hurting right now. When I start quoting the Greeks, you can rest assured that I'm going through some shit. I don't get mad over stuff. I get a little pissed then I turn to reflection. This is how I cope.

I have allowed myself to care for a woman. This was a mistake. I cared for her because I wanted to believe a lie. What was this lie? This one is different.

They are not different. All women are the same. I even know what they will say when they plunge the dagger in your heart. "I never intended to hurt you." As soon as women start talking about intentions, that's when I know they are fixing to fuck me over.

Good intentions can never cover a bad act. The reality is that no one ever intends to do the shit they do. But it just happens that way, doesn't it? I laugh when a woman tells me she never intended to hurt me as if that will somehow make it better. It doesn't.

Words mean things. Women don't get that. I get castigated for being "marriage phobic," but that is because I actually believe in marriage. I just don't believe there is a woman on this planet worth marrying. They will cheat on you, take your money, and get every drop out of you in the divorce. Then, they will justify it all by talking about their "intentions."

What women don't understand is that an intention requires forethought and follow through. You actually have to say what you mean and mean what you say. This requires integrity and honesty. Women are without either. To be honest requires a belief in objective truth and to be consistent with that truth. Women are too emotional to do this.


Needless to say, folks, my girlfriend stuck it to me today just like I knew she would. Women lie. That's all they know to do. Love is bullshit. Don't ever forget this. I'll have more on this when I get back home.


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