Regular readers of the blog here will notice that I enthusiastically support Ron Paul for President. I also temper that support with the knowledge that the electorate is too fucking stupid to elect a principled guy like Dr. Paul. I despise when people complain about crooks and liars getting into office, yet these are the people they vote for. Honest people can't make it in politics because the American people are fucking retarded with shit for brains. They get the government they deserve--good and hard deep in their bleeding asses. But I digress. . .
Here is my critical evaluation of the "top tier" of candidates. These are the slimy fucks with the most money and the highest likelihood of winning.
I despise this cunt. With Hillary, we'll get nagged into a nanny welfare state. And she will be a hawk on the war because everyone thinks she'll be weak on defense because she's a chick. Instead, she'll be a real bitch.
He's just a polished version of Al Sharpton. He plays white, so he'll get some of the white vote. But a black man can't win the oval office in the USA. I don't have a problem with his race, but he does not represent my viewpoints at all. He'd be like Hillary on all the issues. OTOH, if he came out strong against the war, he'd get my vote.
This guy is barely top tier. He could win the general election, but he won't get there.
He's not a candidate, but like Fred Thompson, he's running. He's biding his time to consider a strategy. Then, he will run and win the Democratic nomination. I despise this fucker almost as much as Hillary. But he might be the one to end the war.
This guy is absolute slime. He will say anything to get elected. He is the GOP version of Bill Clinton.
Rudy is an Italian fascist. This country would become a civil liberties nightmare under his watch.
McCain isn't much different than Giuliani except that he learned his lesson from the last presaidential campaign and has pressed his lips firmly to the ass of the Religious Right. Throw in ardent support for the war, and he stands no chance of winning the nomination. This is rather ironic considering how much he has sold out. But I think he sacrificed some self-respect in the process.
This guy will probably win it all. I don't agree with Thompson on a lot of shit, but I suspect he is a political realist. He will support the war, but he'll pull us out after he gets elected. He is the least of all evils, and he'll probably get my vote in the general election. I always go with the one who is most likely to cut taxes.
The wild card in this race is NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg. He has the money to run an independent campaign. He is also nauseating as fuck with his nanny state bullshit. Who will he hurt most? That is the question. If Fred Thompson wins the GOP nomination, I think Bloomberg will hurt the Democrats. But I don't know.
Go Ron Paul.
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