Saturday, April 14, 2007

Random Thoughts on Various Subjects


I don't have much of an opinion on all of this. That may seem ironic, but it shouldn't. Basically, Don Imus is an insensitive asshole (surprise!) while everyone else from Al Sharpton to the Rutgers women's basketball team are hypersensitive crybabies. The only thing I can say is that Imus should never have apologized. It is not because I stand behind his comments because I don't. But once you go down that road of appeasement, the politically correct will fistfuck you into oblivion. I would have told them all, "Sorry 'bout it."

For future reference, I will never apologize for what gets written on this blog. The entire world including you, Gentle Reader, can suck my dick.


The award goes to Al Sharpton for calling on the FCC to do something about hate speech on the airwaves. Sharpton would probably end up cutting his own throat with this one.


I'm glad common sense and justice finally prevailed here, and I hope Mike Nifong gets fucked really good. I anticipate some civil suits regarding this case, and I hope these young men and their families get a lot of money out of the case.

This situation was not an isolated incident. Things like this go on all the time. I shudder to think how many innocents have gone to prison because of zealous and unscrupulous prosecutors. The only reason these lacrosse players prevailed here is because they came from rich families. Poor kids get railroaded straight into jail.

The Imus flap and the Duke lacrosse scandal may seem unrelated, but they are not. In both cases, people were crucified for using racially derogatory language. In Imus' case, it resulted in him losing his job which is not an injustice. In the Duke case, it resulted in a prosecution and a possible conviction for these young men. This is an injustice.

I feel bad for the injustices that black people suffered and continue to suffer when they are racially profiled by law enforcement and other government types. I work to try and end such injustices. But my sense of justice knows no color, and I do not endorse the tribal lynching that many in the black community think is their due. As my teachers used to say, two wrongs don't make a right.


Vladimir Putin has brought back tyranny to Russia, and I am afraid it is there to stay. The man is supposed to step down at the end of his term, but he won't. I can guarantee that. Meanwhile, he enjoys overwhelming popularity among the Russian people. And there you have it. The reason dictators do what they do is a result of the popular will. I hate to admit it, but people just don't want to be free. Expect further erosions of liberty in Russia. As long as the people can drink their vodka, they don't give a fuck.


I am laughing my ass off over the "unintentional" deletion of emails concerning the Attorney General scandal. Naturally, Karl Rove seems to be the culprit here. He's a slimy but smart motherfucker.

Nixon should have burned those tapes. Rove knows his history. Sorry, folks. I'm just giving the devil his due.


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