Thursday, April 19, 2007

Cho Analysis

NBC broadcasted portions of the Virginia Tech gunman's "multimedia manifesto." The network has garnered some criticism for doing this, but I agree with what the network did. It was news, and that should be the only consideration in journalism except in those rare instances where a person's life might be endangered.

As for the videos, they basically confirmed what I already knew. Cho was a nut. Nothing he said made any sense. He was a narcissist pissed off that the world would not kiss his ass. He was a "victim." Please. . .

There is no preventing this kind of thing. I don't care how many gun laws are passed or what have you. And don't think this shit is an American phenomenon. It happens in other countries, too. The bottom line is that there are nuts in our society who do crazy shit. The best thing to do is be prepared for when they appear and terminate them with extreme prejudice. That means letting people exercise their right to keep and bear arms.

Where I work, everyone carries a sidearm. In fact, it is REQUIRED for us to do this. Nothing ever happens there. I feel perfectly safe there. In fact, I feel safer there than anywhere else because I know that a nutcase would be outgunned and would quickly be dispatched. A taxi driver, pizza delivery person, or a convenience store clerk face greater danger than I do. Those people are sitting ducks.

Folks, guns aren't the problem. Fuckheads are the problem. Guns are the solution. If you don't believe me, consider how the problem of Cho would have been solved if there had been one responsible person there with a concealed weapon. I can tell you that I would not have hesitated to blow that fucker's head off. My co-workers would have done the same thing.

It is time for people to quit being sitting ducks and speak up for their right to defend themselves. The cops failed at Virginia Tech. The laws and rules against guns failed. And people ask why the victims at Virginia Tech didn't fight back. With what?! A wad of chewing gum or a textbook?! They were at the mercy of that fucker, and he laughed. He fucking laughed.


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