Sunday, April 1, 2007

Random Thoughts on Various Subjects 14

1. The IDIOT OF THE WEEK award goes to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales who has reversed himself on the US attorney scandal and pretty much fucked himself. Al says he is "fighting for the truth." Give me a fucking break.

The whole affair is a bit stupid and amounts to a Democrat witchhunt. Al should have done the smart thing and pled the fifth. It might make him look a crook, but I find that preferrable to looking like an idiot.

2. I don't see how Bush can criticize the pork in the bill Congress passed trying to end funding for the war and set a deadline for troop withdrawal. It is amazing how this guy can become a small government conservative when it is expedient. I just want to know what this fucktard was doing for the last six years before the Democrats took back Congress.

3. Giuliani is the man to beat when it comes to the GOP race. I think only Fred Thompson could derail the former NYC mayor. And why is this? Because politics is about personality. Ultimately, the muddled middle of the American electorate goes for the guy with the most charisma and personal charm. It is a popularity contest and nothing more. Unfortunately, we can't measure things like this in a scientific manner. It is a question of preference and aesthetics.

The reason libertarians have never made meaningful progress in electoral politics is a shortage of personalities. We have no rockstars except in the fields of entertainment, business, and academia. Sorry, Ron Paul. I'll vote for you, but policy and principles don't win elections. I wish they did.

4. I'm not much of a warmonger, but I think the Brits should put it to Iran. Those fuckheads need their asses cut.

5. Neither Will Ferrell nor Family Guy are funny. I just don't see why people laugh at this shit. OTOH, Jackass, the movies, and the spinoffs with Bam and Steve-O is the funniest shit I've ever seen. Humor is a strange thing. I have discovered this in my own life. When I try to be funny, nobody laughs. When I am not trying to be funny, people find me hilarious. I don't get it.

6. Life is too short to waste it on women who can't make up their minds whether they like you or not. Focus on the women who do like you and things will go well for you.

7. Visitors to this blog may note that some of the YouTube videos I post here don't play. All I can say is blame it on Viacom.


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