The New York Times reports that the convenience store company 711 has "purchased" start times for Chicago White Sox home games. The night games in question, which would have begun at 7:05 or 7:35 pm, will now begin at 7:11 pm. Will this trend catch on? For instance, will the emergency assistance number 911, in an effort to prove it's not a joke, purchase some 9:11 pm Monday night football starts? Will the new Bond movie promote itself by buying some 12:07 am (00:07 military time) finishes? Will cities, so often identified in contemporary pop culture by area code, purchase start times (e.g., will Detroit buy a 3:13 pm start time for a day game, New York a 2:12 pm start, etc)? The possibilities are limitless.
I would love to see the contract 711 signed with the White Sox, since there are a number of wrinkles to consider. If a particular game is rain delayed (and starts at 7:45, instead of 7:11), will the store get a make-up? What if a pitcher takes longer warming up and the game, while "starting" at 7:11, doesn't actually get underway until 7:19? Breach of contract?
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