I just posted on SSRN a working paper: The Wonderlic Test for the NFL Draft: Linking Stereotype Threat and the Law. You will need a free SSRN account to read it, and you can get such an account here. I will be presenting on this paper later this month at Marquette University Law School, specifically at the First Annual Colloquium on Current Scholarship in Labor and Employment Law. Please note: my working paper is very much "working" and I will update it again in a couple of weeks. The paper is actually one part of a law review article that I am writing on the law and social psychology of intellectual and psychological testing of pro athletes, and it is also related to a book project that I am co-authoring with Jon Hanson.
If you get a chance to read the paper, I would greatly appreciate any feedback at mmccann[at]mc.edu. Thanks.
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