Sunday, October 8, 2006

The Scorpion and the Frog

The story of the scorpion and the frog is one of my favorites. For those who don't know the story, there was a frog sitting by the bank of a stream when a scorpion happens along and asks the frog for a ride on his back in order to cross the stream. The frog is reluctant to do this because the scorpion will sting him. The scorpion assures him that stinging the frog would not be in his self-interest since he wants to get across the stream and stinging him would drown both of them. The frog agrees with this logic and consents to giving the scorpion a ride. Halfway across, the scorpion stings the frog, and they both start drowning. The frog asks the scorpion why he did something so stupid. The scorpion replies, "It is my nature."

I see this story acted out every day. I have personally been the frog in many such tales. For whatever reason, there are people out there who think you are a complete sucker for caring about them. So, they burn their relationship with you for the sake of some momentary gain that completely fucks them in the long run. In short, they say, "You are an idiot for loving me." And they are correct. And what is so tragic is that they express surprise and dismay when people either don't care about them or even elect to try and use them.

I've been trying to get back to the Alma Jean story, but it really is the story of the frog and the scorpion. As complicated as it is, the bottom line is that it is the tale of three scorpions, and the frogs they have stung.

I am reluctant to help people. The only people I will ever help are the ones I know and trust. I go through a great deal of trouble to maintain the relationships I have. I give in order to get. This may be selfish, but I think it is the heart of the golden rule. I treat others as I want to be treated. I love those who love me. I don't waste my love on those who don't love me.

I have had a painful week ending a scorpion/frog type relationship. I am also going to end another one which will be much easier considering that scorpion is sitting in jail. Both people prey on the compassion of others. They play the victim card, and then they cash in the love you give them.

This leads us to a question. How do you distinguish between fellow frogs and scorpions? This is the fundamental question behind every job interview, business deal, or dating relationship. I don't have an easy answer for this one. The fact is that betrayal is a fact of life, and a person must appear to be your friend before they can stab you in the back. The reality is that everyone you love could be the one to fuck you over.

The flip side of this is to never enter into any type of relationship. This is part of the reason why I will never marry. The potential cost outweighs the benefits. You would be better off spending all that cash on a lifetime of hookers simply to avoid the shattered emotions that come from a divorce. Plus, I can tell you from experience that women are more prone to betrayal than men. That is because women are vindictive and weak. They must use opportunity to their advantage which is why they will fuck you at any moment with no prior warning. That's because they seize the opportunity when it presents itself.

I despise this nastiness. But it is the way things are. It makes more sense to play nice with people, but some folks can't do otherwise. It is simply their nature.


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