I've been in Charlotte this week for a job assignment which is why my blog has become so neglected. I'm trying to remedy this. Here's some bullshit. . .er, commentary for the week.
1. I had to laugh about the gay marriage flak Bush created this week as if this is a pressing matter. The bottom line is that the Republicans need to turn out their base in strong numbers this fall if they hope to keep the House and Senate. This means throwing something to religious conservatives. In non-presidential election years, this is a smart strategy. Shore up your base. It may seem stupid now, but it will look like pure genius in November. It has Karl Rove's fingerprints all over it.
2. The New York Times reported this week that the CIA has been aiding warlords hostile to Islamists in Somalia. The result was a typical CIA clusterfuck which actually ending up bringing support for the Islamists. Will these idiots ever learn?
The best foreign policy is to mind your own business. I am not an isolationist. I believe in open borders and free trade. But I resolutely believe that the United States should stay out of the political affairs of other countries unless those countries directly threaten us. A direct threat would have to be on the order of a Nazi Germany or the USSR. As it stands, the CIA is an organization of shitheads who don't know when to leave well enough alone. They'll probably be bugging my phone lines now because I wrote this. Oh, well. . .
3. Abu Musab al-Camelfucker Zarqawi got himself killed this week. I must admit this pleases me. Operation Clusterfuck aside, that was one raghead that I was glad to see die. Now, we need to get Osama.
4. Recent articles have led me to conclude that performance enhancing substances are a permanent part of sports, and the public is starting to look the other way. For instance, Albert Pujols isn't getting the same treatment that Barry Bonds has been getting. Meanwhile, Jason Giambi has been bulking up again.
The bottom line is that sports is entertainment, and athletes are not heroes. They never were.
5. The truth about the Duke lacrosse team rape scandal is finally coming out with the other stripper at the party saying that the "raped" stripper at the party was full of shit. Nothing happened. Combined with the lack of physical evidence, those guys are innocent. So, why is the case being prosecuted? Because prosecutors are political scavengers looking to feed on any shit they can find and which will get them time in the spotlight. Nevermind that they ruin lives and waste taxpayers' dollars for the sake of their egoes.
6. The NHL is drawing record low ratings for the Stanley Cup. Here in SC, I know of virtually no one who cares that the Hurricanes are actually playing for the championship.
I can give a lot of theories about why I think the NHL is doing so badly, but they are all variations of "the customer is always right." Critics say that the NHL screwed up by trying to expand beyond its fan base. But that strategy is working very well for NASCAR. There's simply no accounting for consumer tastes.
The bottom line is that people outside of the Northern USA and Canada just don't go for hockey. The best thing for the NHL to do is retreat. If the Rangers or the Red Wings were playing for the Cup, ratings would be much larger than what they are now. The folks in charge at the NHL will probably realize this and decide to eliminate teams like the Hurricanes (who'll probably be Cup winners), the Dallas Stars, and the Florida Panthers.
7. Al Gore has a movie which can only mean he'll be running for president in the near future. The movie is called An Inconvenient Truth which will prove to be quite convenient for his second shot at the presidency.
So, what are we to make of global warming? Personally, I think it is all much ado about nothing. As a survivor of the depleted ozone layer, Mad Cow disease, SARS, the ebola virus, and an impact from a global destroying meteor, I think we'll make it through this crisis, too. But chances are, we'll be wiped out by avian flu long before we get flooded out. I'm just going to focus on what matters most to me--having a good time and burning lots of fossil fuels in the process.
8. I just signed up for an account with Netflix, and I am very satisfied with the service. It is way better than going to Blockbuster. Plus, they have a much wider selection. If it's on DVD (and not porn), chances are they have it. Now, if only the postal service was faster.
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