Monday, June 12, 2006

African-American Tennis Umpire Files Race Discrimination Lawsuit

Saturday's Washington Post reports that Cecil Hollins, a former "gold-badge" tennis umpire and an African-American, has sued the United States Tennis Association for race discrimination. An early version of the plaintiff's complaint can be found here. According to the Post, Hollins

often questioned why the U.S. Tennis Association would not assign him to umpire a men's singles final, an honor never accorded to a black man. . . .No black man or woman in the history of the U.S. Open has umpired a men's semifinal or final singles match.
The case has now attracted the attention of prominent New York and national politicians (including the NY Attorney General's Office), something the USTA blames on Hollins' supposedly press-hungry lawyer. The USTA has declined to comment on the case -- and has, to date, provided no explanation for why Hollins was stripped of his umpire credential.

The Post is about nine months late to this story, which was covered elsewhere in September, 2005. Hat tip to the WSJ law blog.


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