My library provides a wonderful service of forwarding me on a digest of recently published law review articles by subject matter. Periodically, I’ll post a notice of newly published articles on the blog (unless a chorus of voices objects). As you will see, most of these pieces are student-written (which may reflect the much greater interest on the part of students in sports law than among professors). New in June:
Gregory Matthew Jacobs, Comment, Curbing their enthusiasm: a proposal to regulate offensive speech at public university basketball games, 55 CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 547 (2006).
Tracey Oh, Note, From hockey gloves to handcuffs: the need for criminal sanctions in professional ice hockey, 28 HASTINGS COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL 309 (2006)
Stephen M. Yoost, Note, The National Hockey League and Salary Arbitration: time for a line change, 21 OHIO STATE JOURNAL ON DISPUTE RESOLUTION 485 (2006)
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