Sunday, May 7, 2006

Random Thoughts on Various Subjects

1. Critics have been panning Mission:Impossible 3 as if what they think really matters. Sometimes, people just want to go to a movie without having to find some deeper meaning in it all. They just want to have some fun. What is wrong with that?
2. Tom Cruise is a bit of a fruitcake with that Scientology bullshit of his, but I must admit that I admire the man's enthusiasm for life and his tenacious work ethic. Plus, he can fly planes. As it stands, he's no worse than your typical Catholic.
3. I hope Anna Nicole Smith gets every penny that is coming to her. Yeah, she's a gold digger, but I haven't met a woman who wasn't. It is hardwired into all females to want to spend money they didn't earn.
4. I haven't watched a single NBA playoff game, and I don't give a shit either. The same goes for the NHL.
5. I was disappointed with Vicente Fox's capitulation to US pressure and shooting down proposed legislation to decriminalize drugs in Mexico. By doing this, Fox has certainly put Mexico on the same path that is Colombia is on today with drug cartels controlling the country.
6. Evo Morales was true to his word and nationalized Bolivia's petroleum industry. What a looter.


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