1. Without a doubt, Barry Bonds is the most hated player in baseball, and he deserves every bit of it. The man needs to get nut cancer and die.
2. I've given Bush a lot of credit for his immigration stance but sending the National Guard to seal the border is dumb shit. It obviously won't work, but at this point, Bush is desperate to win political points and deflect attention from Iraq, Gitmo, wiretapping, and the fact that he has shit for brains.
3. South Carolina citizens and The State have been outraged at how so much taxpayer money has been squandered on the Hunlet fiasco. I would like to know something. Since when did any of these folks ever give a damn about how their tax dollars are spent? And why does The State advocate greater spending (and a tax increase) for every problem? I'd like to see Brad Warthen or the other shitheads on the staff at that rag explain this stupidity to me.
I am united with The State on this issue concerning the Hunley, but I differ with them in that I am neither shocked nor surprised that this shit happens. It is in the nature of government to be wasteful because they lack the corrections that come from market forces and consumer choice. Yet, shithead pinhead clusterfuckheads continue to believe in higher taxes and less choice and express dismay that millions are spent on puke they wouldn't give a red cent for.
4. I've never understood the balkanization of human rights. I believe in human rights for women, gays, minorities, etc. But I don't believe in "gay rights" or "women's rights." it is plain fucking stupid.
I was reminded of this while listening to NPR and some homo was talking about how unfair the green card regs were because they excluded gay or lesbian couples from being able to secure a green card for their foreign lovers. I was just amazed. Basically, the gay community only cares about an immigrant when that immigrant takes it in the ass and likes it. Otherwise, fuck off.
5. It is sad to see Sir Paul getting a divorce. But then again, married life is for suckers.
6. For the record, I am not dating Paris Hilton. I just wanted to set that straight.
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