The New York Post asserts today that Secretarty of State Condi Rice is closer to the NFL Commissioner's job. I was well aware of Secretary Rice's desire for the job; frankly, I never expected the NFL would be interested in someone with no sports industry background and no collective bargaining / antitrust experience or expertise. But according to the article, the league is "panting" for Condoleeza.
Here's more from Cindy Adams:
Condoleezza Rice's future aspirations veer toward even more initials. . . . Next up, the NFL. You've heard she'd love someday to be commissioner of football, right? Well, someday is coming. . . . Paul Tagliabue, also a D.C. insider when he became commissioner of the National Football League, will have been commish almost 20 years by the time the White House changes tenants. . . . What I know is the league is panting for Condoleezza, the headhunters have passed word around that "we're all willing to wait until she's ready."
Of course, how seriously should one take the Post?
Hat tip to Wonkette, one of the funniest people in the world.
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