Wednesday, February 15, 2006

From the Land of Mike Dukakis to the Land of Trent Lott . . .

If you are in Massachusetts or Mississippi (my two favorite states!), you are in luck tomorrow, as there are two excellent events open to the general public:

1) At Harvard Law School, former Yankees pitcher Jim Bouton will present on the topic of "Saving Our National Pastime: Baseball, Labor and the Politics of Stadium Construction." The event is being hosted by the Labor and Worklife Program at Harvard Law School, and will take place from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. in Langdell Hall North. Last fall, Bouton published Foul Ball: My Life and Hard Times to Save an Old Ballpark. It should make for a very interesting discussion. For more information, please contact Jason Anastasopoulos of Harvard Law School.

2) At Mississippi College School of Law, Professor Todd Zywicki of George Mason University School of Law (and of the excellent Volokh Conspiracy) and I will have a discussion on the topic of "Obesity in America: The State's Right to Pass Laws Requiring the Restaurant Industry to Provide Nutritional Information to Consumers." The event is being hosted by the Federalist Society, and it will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 PM in Room 151.

Todd and I have separate law review articles on-point:

Todd J. Zywicki, Debra Holt, and Maureen K. Ohlhausen, Obesity and Advertising Policy, 12 GEORGE MASON LAW REVIEW 979 (2004)

Michael A. McCann, Economic Efficiency and Consumer Choice Theory in Nutritional Labeling, 2004 WISCONSIN LAW REVIEW 1161 (2004)


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