Adrian Wojnarowski has an excellent column on the absurdity, and bad sportsmanship, of allowing a high school player to score 113 points on a clearly inferior team. As he points out, the reason given for allowing the outburst -- that the player was "bored," is ridiculous and exactly the opposite of what high school coaches should be teaching.
- "We play the schedule we're dealt and some of those teams are weak," Bergtraum High School coach Ed Grezinsky told the New York Post. "But I didn't think I should punish Epiphanny for that."
Punish her?
It isn't punishment to teach a great young basketball talent that the games aren't played to keep her interested, that the rules of sportsmanship and manners aren't eliminated for the sheer reason that she could score every time she touched the ball. So, the coach let her go on a night when she was determined to chase Kobe Bryant's 81 points and ended up passing Wilt Chamberlain's 100 with room to spare.
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